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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) = a mental condition that is present in childhood that is demonstrated by communication difficulties and forming relationships with others difficulty in language and abstract concepts there are three types ·          Autistic disorder (classic) ·          Asperger disorder ·          Pervasive development disorder research suspect cause is genes and chemical imbalances 8.  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) = chronic condition marked by hyperactivity and inattention and impulsivity 2/3 children have it 9. C haracteristics of ADHD= fidgeting irritably or restraint repletion of works and actions .cognitive absent mindedness difficulty focusing forgetfulness short term memory span moods anger anxiety learning disability and depression 10.  Treatments for ADHD=

Role of theory and theories of learning for students with Autism by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  1.       R ole of theory and theories of learning- <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Theories help us understand the foundation of learning helps us understand the nature of learning problems and gives us a base for instructional methods. The purpose of the theories is that they is to give us a form and some coherence and meaning in the real classroom. Theories are not frozen ideas but are meant to be modified with new knowledge. They provide guidelines for actions clarifies and structures thought and strengthen as research tests them.   2.       I importance of developmental psychology= Developmental psychology is the scientific study of how and why students change over the course of their life. This includes physical cognitive and social and intellectual perceptual and personality and emotional growth, 1. Piaget ·       

Mini history of exceptional education law by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  Mini history of Exceptional Education law <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Reasons that laws are so important- ·          Schools have to comply with got policies ·          Students discipline is an issue ·          Teachers and workers need to be treated fairly ·          Schools have to be healthy and safe ·          To protect the rights of children and parents 2. History of special end- ·          immigrants ·          Horace Mann/common schools /tax money ·          Self-discipline and tolerance of others and socialization. Increase of interpersonal relationships ·          Early special education programs-delinquency prevention for the at risk kids (carpentry sewing and cooking).special schools /private for deaf, blind and they added to learning disabilities min brain function. ·          Brown vs board of

Theories describing spoken language difficulties ELL by Kelly Jean Sullivan

 Theories describing spoken language difficulties ELL <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 1. Theories describing spoken language difficulties- ·           Phonology-speech sounds in language .phoneme phonics ·           Morphology –meaning units the smallest unit morpheme ·           Syntax-grammar ,the way words are put together to make the sentences ·           Pragmatics-social side of language the listener and the speaker. 2. Types of language problems- ·           Language disorders /delayed speech, receptive language disorder, expressive language disorder 3. Difficulties of students who are ELL English language learners- ·           Language difference s vs language disorders can effect learners ·           Abstract concepts ·           Scientific concepts ·           Logical thinking ·           Communicating ·           English lan

Reading and Autism Spectrum Disorder by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  1.     <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>  1. tTheories describing the consequences of reading difficulties- ·          if the child doesn’t learn to read they cannot succeed in life ·          it closes off the opportunity for school and jobs in future ·          eighty percent of students with learning disabilities have difficulty with reading ·          need early intervention to identify ·          without a good reading foundation the child cannot go further ·          If the child cannot read it will become a learning problem. ·          Dyslexia = a severe reading disorder where the child cannot recognize letters and words and interpret information in print. The child is intelligent and usually good in math and in special skills. There is a biological basis causing the disruption in the natural circuits of the brain