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Theories describing spoken language difficulties ELL by Kelly Jean Sullivan

 Theories describing spoken language difficulties ELL

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1. Theories describing spoken language difficulties-

·         Phonology-speech sounds in language .phoneme phonics

·         Morphology –meaning units the smallest unit morpheme

·         Syntax-grammar ,the way words are put together to make the sentences

·         Pragmatics-social side of language the listener and the speaker.

2. Types of language problems-

·         Language disorders /delayed speech, receptive language disorder, expressive language disorder

3. Difficulties of students who are ELL English language learners-

·         Language difference s vs language disorders can effect learners

·         Abstract concepts

·         Scientific concepts

·         Logical thinking

·         Communicating

·         English language learners

·         Teacher need to each English language and reading

·         Know the assessment tools

·         Transfer skills

·         Home and school collaboration

·         Encourage communication special end and general end

·         The English language learners must learn English to overcome plus deal with the disability

·         Learning a second language

·         Ell repetition

·         Bilingual –native language used

·         Printed material in English

·         immersion

4. How to assess oral language-

·         Check what language abilities the child has

·         What language problems  this helps the teacher plan to teach

·         Assessments both formal and informal

·         Formal tests-standardized and put in the IEPS this is the basis to measure progress

·         Informal –observing in the real environment not tested

5. Teaching strategies to improve spoken language difficulties-

·         Build vocabulary-naming ,missing words, trouble words

·         Language patterns-use pictures games with plurals

·         Sentences-provide experiences with many kinds sentences, demo word structures(in under who),substitute words to form sentences, play detective games and ask questions

·         Practicing oral language skills- use book reports and stories, discuss objects color size shape, categorize, test comprehension, and ask how? Finish stories.

6. Problems in listening-listening means comprehension

·         Child does not comprehend then the teacher needs to

·         Phonological awareness sounds

·         Understand words/vocal

·         Sentences

·         Listening comprehension

·         Critical listening

·         Listening to stories

·         Clapping names

·         Rhyming words

·         Beginning sounds

·         Initial constants same and different

·         Syllables

·         Beating out names

·         Elkonin cards

7. Problems in speaking-

·         Know stages of oral language

·         Babbling jargon single work and the 2 and 3 word sentences

·         Phonology of language –differentiating and producing proper sounds

·         Remembering words and structures

·         Grammar syntax and making sentences

·         Vocabulary development

8. Computer technology to help teach speaking-.

·         Computer technology helps teach speaking.

·         National end technology standards for schools site

·         Earobics

·         Fast for word

·         Laureate learning systems

·         Lexia software

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