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Role of theory and theories of learning for students with Autism by Kelly Jean Sullivan



Role of theory and theories of learning-

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Theories help us understand the foundation of learning helps us understand the nature of learning problems and gives us a base for instructional methods. The purpose of the theories is that they is to give us a form and some coherence and meaning in the real classroom. Theories are not frozen ideas but are meant to be modified with new knowledge. They provide guidelines for actions clarifies and structures thought and strengthen as research tests them.


2.      Iimportance of developmental psychology=

Developmental psychology is the scientific study of how and why students change over the course of their life. This includes physical cognitive and social and intellectual perceptual and personality and emotional growth,

1. Piaget

·         1.sensori motor b-2

·         2.preopperational 2-7

·         Concrete operational 7-11

2. Vygotsky=the social content of learning

Children learn when the instruction is geared towards zpd.

·         Zpd is when tasks are in range of difficulty between what a student can do independently and what they can do assisted. The goldilocks level is not too hard or too easy but just right

* If a child’s abilities do not mesh with the instruction level learning cannot occur.

*society creates most of the learning disabilities by pushing children


3. The importance of behavioral psychology=provides a system or foundation for research assessment and instruction helps us know how behavior is learned. This kind of learning is based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment .our response to the environmental stimuli shapes our actions.

4. Importance of cognitive psychology=

Cognitive psychology focuses on the human process of learning and thinking the theories help us understand the nature of cognitive and mental processes and

5, Importance of cognitive learning theories= help us understand how human beings learn and how that affects LD

1. Ideas form cognitive psychology that affect dare= disorder of psychological processing

2. Information processing that follow of information within a person’s mind and memory

3. Cognitive learning theories =-activities in leaning on how get content an acquire knowledge.


6.Learning strategies instruction=techniques that help the teacher to teach the student to become independent and static learners .they become learning strategies when the student independently select the appropriate ones and use them to meet the tasks and goal. They are self-generated thoughts feelings and actions which orient towards the goal.

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