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Showing posts with the label printmaking autism

Printmaking and Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

      <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> Does autism affect art? Children on the autism spectrum in particular can display a deep sense of creativity and imagination.  Individuals on the spectrum can be extremely creative thinkers and artists as professionals . To get the most out of this potential, having healthy outlets of creativity and creation from a young age is important Does autism affect drawing? As far as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) drawings are concerned,  children with autism were reported to have an unusual drawing ability , far beyond their general intelligence level [4,5,6], and drawing skills not impaired relative to age-matched typical peers How to Work with Students with Autism in the Art Room Be willing to change your lesson. .. Set aside a special workspace. .. Use simple, specific directions and limit choices. .. Understand your students' skill levels. .. Allow time