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Showing posts with the label body dysmorphia social media mental health

Body Dysmorphia and Social Media By Kelly Jean Sullivan

   <script async src="" How does social media affect body dysmorphia? With body dysmorphia,  social media can trigger obsessive thoughts about appearance . Their feed may be full of people looking “perfect”, which can be a constant reminder of their perceived flaws. This can lead to compulsive actions to try to remediate the issue. How does Instagram affect body dysmorphia? There are a variety of factors that could lead to eating disorders, but scrolling through an app and seeing edited and airbrushed bodies can definitely lower self-esteem and lead to body dysmorphia.  Instagram can provide a toxic mirror through which young women view their bodies in a distorted fashion <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> Is body dysmorphia a social issue? Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health conditi