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Showing posts with the label teacher wellness support

Teacher Wellness Support By Kelly Jean Sullivan

   <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> Manage the daily stresses of teaching . more teachers saying they enjoy teaching. Establish and maintain effective classroom management strategies that are productive for learning. Teacher wellbeing is associated with •higher rates of teacher efifcacy. How can we support the emotional wellbeing of teachers? Tips for teacher wellbeing Reconnect to your purpose. .. Adopt a growth mindset in your teaching. .. Focus on kindness and gratitude. .. Create clear boundaries between home and school. .. Set up effective debriefing and mentoring structures. .. Establish good sleeping habits. .. Build up your emotional resilience. .. Keep focused on your goals Why is wellness important for teachers? Teacher wellness has been related to  consistency and steadiness in schools, teaching effectiveness, and student achievement . Unhealthy teachers can lead to anxious, unhealt...