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Reading and Autism Spectrum Disorder by Kelly Jean Sullivan



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 1.tTheories describing the consequences of reading difficulties-

·         if the child doesn’t learn to read they cannot succeed in life

·         it closes off the opportunity for school and jobs in future

·         eighty percent of students with learning disabilities have difficulty with reading

·         need early intervention to identify

·         without a good reading foundation the child cannot go further

·         If the child cannot read it will become a learning problem.

·         Dyslexia = a severe reading disorder where the child cannot recognize letters and words and interpret information in print. The child is intelligent and usually good in math and in special skills. There is a biological basis causing the disruption in the natural circuits of the brain. Perceptual cognitive language dimensions.

2. Reading strategies for the general education classroom-

·         Comprehension monitoring

·         Cooperative learning

·         Use of graphic syntac organizers or story maps

·         Question/answering

·         Generating questions

·         Story structures

·         summarization

3. The elements of reading-

·         phonemic awareness

·         phonics and word recognition skills

·         phonics

·         sight words/vocabulary

·         context clues

·         structural analysis and meaning

·         combining word recognition and clues

·         fluency

·         automaticity =fast identification of every word

·         repeated reading

·         vocabulary

·         comprehension

4. The connection between reading and writing-

·         oral learning promotes reading and reading promotes writing

·         writing and composing improve knowledge language skills in speaking and reading

5 literature-based approach to teaching reading-

·         whole language instruction

·         has emphasis in writing

·         the child should be surrounded by a world of books and have experiences with listening to stories reading and wring

·         Oral reading writing are linked.

6. Methods to assess reading-

·         informal reading (IRI) inventory of 100 words

·         independent reading level

·         instructional reading

·         frustration reading

·         IOTA-informal word reading test

·         Portfolio assessment of reading

·         Formal- Survey tests and group tests

7 teaching strategies to improve reading difficulties

8. Strategies to improve word recognition-

·         Learning to count the sounds in words

·         Learning to segment the sounds and syllables in words

·         DIBELS=dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills

Measures young children’s skills in phonemical awareness oral reading fluency and helps identify children with difficulty in reading and help to provide intervention

9. Strategies to improve reading fluency-

·         Repeated reading

·         Predictable books

10. Strategies to improve reading comprehension-

·         Using basal readers

·         Activating background knowledge

·         Language experience methods

·         Kwl(know what to know and what to learn)

·         Build up that vocabulary

·         Reading and writing connections

·         Thinking strategies

·         Learning strategies for reading.

11. Importance of reading enjoyment and appreciation-

·         Increases empathy

·         Improves relationships

·         Reduces depression

·         Reduces dementia

·         Improves well being

·         Has social benefits/connectedness

·         Increases understanding one’s own identity


12. Assistive technology to promote reading-this technology helps students overcome reading difficulties and increases reading rates

·         Reading blaster

·         Living books series

·         Read 180

·         Aerobic

·         Inspiration and inspiration

·         Text to speech programs

1.    Theories describing written language difficulties-words are the main form of human communication .writing is the last to be learned when we write we integrate listening speaking and reading

·         Writing across the curr. writing in all subjects

·         Written expression

·         Writing connected in the integrated language system

·         Early literacy and writing .students learn to read by oral reading and writing skills. Writing is self-involved /reading is interpreted

·         Writing is good for all children and helps them understand left to right

·         Writing process-prewriting draft revise share

2. How to teach spelling-

·         Auditory /memory/ letter sounds

·         Visual word memory flash cards

·         Multisensory

·         Recall

·         Writing words

·         Fernald process

·         Test study and test again

·         Listening centers in classroom

·         Computers spell check and electronic speller machines.

How to teach spelling

·         Spelling is harder that teaching reading because you have to decode the words.

·         Stage 1=developing pre phonetic writing age 1-7

·         Stage 2=use letter names phonetic strategies 5-9 site words

·         Stage 3=using written word patterns age 6-16

·         Spelling –readable recognizable

·         Invented spelling –short and long vowels

·         Sight words spelled right

·         Stage4=using syllables and multi syllable words age 8-15

·         Stage 5 =develop a mature spelling perspective invented words are incorrect

Strategies for teaching spelling

·         Multisensory approach

·         Words patterns

·         Word frequency

·         Spelling assessments formal and informal

·         Manuscript--letters k grade3

·         Cursive-connected letters-grade 3

·         Left handed right handed

·         Keyboard helps kids who have writing issues


3. Different methods to teach handwriting=

Writing is the most concrete way to communicate

·         Printing manuscript

·         Cursive script

·         Keyboard typing

4. Teaching strategies to improve written language difficulties-

·         Chalkboard spouge

·         Writing movement finger-paints clay and sand

·         Position paper tilted

·         Paper pencil holding –tape helps hold pencil in position

·         Stencils /templates

·         Tracing overhead transparencies

·         Dot to dot

·         Lined paper

·         Word and sentence spacing

5. Strategies for teaching manuscript and cursive writing-

     6 List strategies for teaching word processing-

·         Vocabulary

·         Story sequencing

·         Start a story

·         Journals

·         Email

·         Book reports

·         Class newsletter

·         Graphics



      7.  strategies for teaching handwriting-

·         Dot to dot

·         Writing environment folders

·         Select their own topics

·         Model writing

·         Students likes dislikes

·         Avoid grading only grade ideas

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