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Showing posts with the label autism

Supporting students with Autism spectrum disorder through grief and loss article review by Kelly Jean Sullivan

       <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Author(s) of article: Kara Hume Tara Ream Laura Megronigle Charlene Rhinehalt Title of article: Supporting students with autism spectrum disorder through grief and loss   Teaching Exceptional Children  Vol 48 no 3 pp 128-136 2015       Summary . Research shows that allowing students to get support from school staff can assist the grief and beyond. The teacher can integrate lessons and use strategies in the classroom before losses occur. Students with disabilities historically have gotten less support in this area    The grief process for students with disabilities is still personal and complex but there is less research that examines the grief process and the supports that student with disabilities need. Students with disabilities do experience grief but they have been often not included