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Showing posts with the label self care beach walks teaching

Self Care Beach walk lfor Teachers By Kelly Jean Sullivan

 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Benefits of Walking on the Beach Barefoot You'll get stronger. Sand provides resistance that strengthens your arches, ankles and leg muscles. . The sand will exfoliate your feet. . You'll reduce your stress. Is walking in sand good for balance? You'll Improve Your Balance and Coordination It's essential for balance, stability, and coordination , and research has shown that walking on sand will strengthen your sense of proprioception. "Because sand is an uneven surface, beach walking qualifies as a proprioceptive exercise," reports The Houston Chronicle Is the beach healthy? The beach can have lasting benefits for people who have anxiety, depression, elevated stress, and other mental health conditions . Spending just 20 minutes walking along the beach can boost your mood <amp