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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by Kelly Jean Sullivan


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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) = a mental condition that is present in childhood that is demonstrated by communication difficulties and forming relationships with others difficulty in language and abstract concepts there are three types

·         Autistic disorder (classic)

·         Asperger disorder

·         Pervasive development disorder research suspect cause is genes and chemical imbalances

8.  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) = chronic condition marked by hyperactivity and inattention and impulsivity 2/3 children have it

9. Characteristics of ADHD=fidgeting irritably or restraint repletion of works and actions .cognitive absent mindedness difficulty focusing forgetfulness short term memory span moods anger anxiety learning disability and depression

10.  Treatments for ADHD=talk therapy and medications

Support groups cognitive behavioral therapy anger management applied behavior analysis .cognitive enhancing medication s stimulants .behavioral intervention

11. Methods of teaching for students with ADHD=teacher needs to establish rules and routines in their classroom give supervision and reduce distractions use positive peer models and prepare for transitions allow for movement and let students play accommodate short term memory have assignments that are brief and have feedback immediately visual cues

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