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Mini history of exceptional education law by Kelly Jean Sullivan


Mini history of Exceptional Education law

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Reasons that laws are so important-

·         Schools have to comply with got policies

·         Students discipline is an issue

·         Teachers and workers need to be treated fairly

·         Schools have to be healthy and safe

·         To protect the rights of children and parents

2. History of special end-

·         immigrants

·         Horace Mann/common schools /tax money

·         Self-discipline and tolerance of others and socialization. Increase of interpersonal relationships

·         Early special education programs-delinquency prevention for the at risk kids (carpentry sewing and cooking).special schools /private for deaf, blind and they added to learning disabilities min brain function.

·         Brown vs board of ed1954-segregated schools afro American had the right to and equal education

·         Children and parents with disabilities bring law suits

·         Elem/secondary education act 1965 ESEA-inequality of education opportunities for under privileged/improved programs

·         1970 education of handicapped act –schools develop programs for student with disabilities

·         Parc & Mills-assistance for retarded children .placement decisions include the parents. Mills-suspending children get due process under the law.


3. Key provisions of special education law-

·         This ensures an education to all children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment .assessments to determine if the child requires special services.

4. Laws that affect students with disabilities

·         Congressional investigation 1972-legislation that established in law the rights to an education for all handicapped children

·         Public law 94-142 the education of all handicapped children .all have the right to education. Checks and balances /procedures and safe guards put into place


5. The key concepts that have been determined by the U.S Supreme Court-

·         IDEA 2004-increase the focus on accountability and improve reading early child intervention and research based instruction .special end teachers need to be highly qualified.

·         IDEA/NCLB-all children have equal and fair opportunities to get an education .teachers must meet the NCLB requirements and demonstrate competency in the subject that they teach.


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