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Showing posts with the label autism routines stratagies

Routine and Autism : 5 strategies By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Why children with autism need routines at home Identify each step of a task you'd like your child to complete, and list the steps. ... Use the steps to create a schedule. ... Use timers or alarms to signal when the schedule will begin or to allot a certain time to a step. ... Refer to the schedule throughout the routine <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> Routines are often important to autistic children and teenagers.  They can find change and transitions difficult to cope with . They might like to eat, sleep or leave the house in the same way every time 5 strategies for supporting students with autism Communication. Create a communication environment that is “user friendly” for students. . Environment. Set ...