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Showing posts from July, 2022

Setting Up an autism Classroom by Kelly Jean Sullivan

     data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens Additional Considerations for Setting Up Classroom or Learning Spaces for Students with Autism, ADHD, or Other Needs. Minimize distractions. Keep materials organized. Use a schedule. Delineate spaces. Include a quiet/relaxing space. Include flexible seating. Allow movement. Include sensory items

IEP's By Kelly Jean Sullivan

       data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens What should parents do at an IEP meeting? 5-step IEP meeting checklist for parents Request all the reports in advance of your IEP meeting. ... Read the IEP and reports thoroughly. ... Gather your own supportive materials. ... Prepare for the IEP meeting day. ... After the IEP meeting

Back to School Routines for Students with autism by Kelly Jean Sullivan

       data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens 1.   Morning Routine Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier. If there was an autism schedule golden rule for parents, it would be this one. ... Don't Skip Breakfast! ... Pick out clothes the night before. ... Use visual aids. ... Be ready for a calming activity. ... Take it one step at a time. ... Make it a story. ... Rewards

Inclusion in the Art Classroom by Kelly Jean Sullivan

     data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens An inclusive classrooms features students of all learning styles and ability levels. For example, an inclusive classroom could have a mix of gifted students, auditory learners, visual learners and students with disabilities such as ADHD, students who are in wheelchairs, and students with executive functioning issues Here are a few simple ways I integrate the arts in my classroom: VISUAL ARTS. Encourage speaking, listening, and vocabulary development skills. ... Clarify thoughts, ideas, and feelings by drawing and labeling. Go deeper in units of study. ... DRAMA. Encourage role playing. ... Take turns in the "hot seat" to understand character Art instruction  helps children with the development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness . Visual arts teach learners about color, layout, perspective, and balanc...

988 Suicide Hotline for Mental Health By Kelly Jean Sullivan

      data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens What is the 988 system? The United States' first nationwide three-digit mental health crisis hotline  is now live . It's designed to be as easy to remember and use as 911, but instead of a dispatcher sending police, firefighters or paramedics, 988 will connect callers with trained mental health counselors.

Loggerhead Sea turtle Hatchlings By Kelly Jean Sullivan

      data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens What time of year do baby sea turtles hatch? Sea turtle eggs usually hatch  between June and September , and the new sea turtle hatchlings must immediately make a perilous journey down the beach to the water. It's a dangerous time in a young turtle's life How many hatchlings survive loggerhead sea turtles? Only about  one in 1,000  turtles survive to adulthood. Hatchlings die of dehydration if they don't make it to the ocean fast enough. Birds, crabs, and other animals also prey on the young turtles. Where do turtle hatchlings go? Every sea turtle begins life in the same way. It hatches  within its buried nest , forces its way to the surface, and sprints towards the water past a gauntlet of crabs, birds and other predators. Many die, but they emerge in such numbers that there are plenty of survivors. They dive beneath the waves… and disappear

ADA Mobil App Compliance By Kelly Jean Sullivan

        data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens Mobile apps are also covered by the same accessibility standards as that of the web. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which provided guidelines for web accessibility, the same rules are valid for the mobile apps. They have to follow  Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2  standards including multimedia access. Though WCAG doesn’t specify anything about mobile app accessibility, however, the same criteria outlined in WCAG 2 stands relevant in the case of mobile apps as well. The W3C also mentioned the best practices for mobile apps, they are not accessibility specific although they do promote accessibility. Provide a transcript with multimedia Many mobile apps come with either audio or video files and how do you think a disabled user will be able to view or hear the multimedia content. Users with visual challenges and hearing disabilities s...

Too Much Screen Time and autism BY Kelly Jean Sullivan

     data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens  research shows that Among boys,  longer screen time at 1 year of age was significantly associated with autism spectrum disorder at 3 years of age . With the rapid increase in device usage, it is necessary to review the health effects of screen time on infants and to control excessive screen time Can TV cause autism symptoms? Screen Time for Babies Linked to Higher Risk of Autism-Like Symptoms Later in Childhood. Sitting a baby in front of a tablet or television, as well as less parent-child play time, are associated with developing greater autism spectrum disorder (ASD)-like symptoms later in childhood How does too much screen time affect a child's behavior? In multiple studies, excessive screen time has been linked to school problems, anger, aggression, frustration, depression and other emotional problems.  Over-stimulation causes kids to have poor focus ...

Factors that effect Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivffect an

        data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens Does the mother or father pass on autism? The team found that mothers passed only half of their structural variants on to their autistic children—a frequency that would be expected by chance alone—suggesting that variants inherited from mothers were not associated with autism.  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Can autism be caused by trauma? Research indicates that stressful and traumatic life events are an underlying risk factor for virtually all the comorbid psychopathologies that are common in people with ASD  (APA 2013; ubstantially more than 50% of their variants.

Teaching humility in school By Kelly Jean Sullivan

      data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens Why is humility important in education? Humility at schools To learn, one has to listen and heed to it. With humility comes this capacity to listen, respect, and learn.  It makes you prepared for the lifelong journey of learning new things from everyone without any pride or ego . Exhibiting your pride will never let you learn anything in your life. What does it mean to teach humility? A person is said to be humble when he is modest, has an unassuming attitude without any hint of arrogance or pride . A person who possesses great power but is still humble will always be well-regarded and valued. Parents may like to cultivate this quality in their kid right from childhood. 10 Ways to Teach Your Children Humility Modeling. ... Build them up. ... Encourage and help them to be the very best they can be—no matter what they do. ... Make sure they understand where their real...

Tips for Teachers Setting up autism Classrooms By Kelly Jean Sullivan

      data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens Every classroom should have  a library space with books, comfortable seating and good lighting . A computer center is great for instruction and is a great space to help special needs children work on their writing.  Organization for Learning: Learning areas should be clearly partitioned with bookshelves or dividers " Have a clear space around your whiteboard . Enables students to focus solely on the screen / board.  You could put key vocabulary words for the topic on the wall at the side of the whiteboard for those whose attention may wander slightly <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Self-Awareness through Autobiography By Kelly jean Sullivan

        data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens The 5 Elements of Self-Awareness Self-Concept. Your self-concept is your perception of you. ... Thoughts. Our thoughts are tied to our emotions, so when we try to become more aware of our emotions, we must first understand our thoughts and thought processes. ... Feelings. Body... Emotions The 4 Elements of Developing Self-Awareness Self-awareness starts with self-confidence. ... The next element is your mindset. ... The third element of self-awareness is understanding your strengths. ... The last element of self-awareness is motivation. Why is self-awareness important in our life? Practicing self-awareness is about learning to better understand why you feel what you feel and why you behave in a particular way. Having this awareness  gives you the opportunity and freedom to change things about yourself, enabling you to create a life that you want . Teachers ca...

Helping Caregivers in Families with autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

        data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens How does autism affect the caregivers? Caregivers (often parents) of children with an ASD have been shown to have  an elevated risk of experiencing physical health problems and mental health problems, such as stress, anxiety, and depression , compared to caregivers of children without an ASD or the general population We can I help a family member with autism? Offer to help with things like babysitting, meals or emotional support . How do parents and caregivers of autistic children cope with stress? A growing number of studies reveal that  mindfulness programs can help reduce the additional stress experienced by parents of autistic children . Generally, programs consist of meditation, focusing on physical sensations, and letting go of thoughts. Some also include a discussion of stressors or light stretching

Helping Parents of Student with autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  Parents    need extra support to help them with some things. explain they might find some things harder than other people, and some things easier. What do you say to a parent of a child with autism? What to Say to a Parent of a Child With Autism Is there anything I can do to help you out? I'm here for you if you want to talk. I don't know what you're going through, but I'm always willing to listen. Can I come with you to appointments for support? Whenever you need some time for yourself, I'd like to help out How do parents and caregivers of autistic children cope with stress? A growing number of studies reveal that  mindfulness programs can help reduce the additional stress experienced by parents of autistic children . Generally, programs consist of meditation, focusing on physical sensations, and letting go of thoughts. Some also include a discussion of stressors or light stretching

ABA and autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

      data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens ABA therapy is considered the gold-standard treatment . It shows high rates of success in helping those on the autism spectrum to achieve more independence, improve communication and socialization abilities, and reduce negative behaviors.   ABA  help people with autism and other developmental disorders learn behaviors that help them live safer and more fulfilling lives . ABA focuses on teaching necessary skills and stopping dangerous behaviors rather than preventing harmless self-stimulatory behavior  At what age should you start ABA therapy? The best time to start ABA therapy is early and  between the ages of 2 and 6 . But there does not need to be a lifelong commitment to ABA therapy. What can I do instead of ABA? Alternatives to ABA Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) . Floortime Therapy. . Play Therapy. .. devlopment Intervention (RDI)‍ . S...