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ABA and autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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ABA therapy is considered the gold-standard treatment. It shows high rates of success in helping those on the autism spectrum to achieve more independence, improve communication and socialization abilities, and reduce negative behaviors.
help people with autism and other developmental disorders learn behaviors that help them live safer and more fulfilling lives. ABA focuses on teaching necessary skills and stopping dangerous behaviors rather than preventing harmless self-stimulatory behavior 

The best time to start ABA therapy is early and between the ages of 2 and 6. But there does not need to be a lifelong commitment to ABA therapy.
Alternatives to ABA Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) .
  • Floortime Therapy. .
  • Play Therapy. ..
  • devlopment Intervention (RDI)‍ .
  • Social Skills Group.


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