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Self-Awareness through Autobiography By Kelly jean Sullivan

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The 5 Elements of Self-Awareness
  • Self-Concept. Your self-concept is your perception of you. ...
  • Thoughts. Our thoughts are tied to our emotions, so when we try to become more aware of our emotions, we must first understand our thoughts and thought processes. ...
  • Feelings.
  • Body...
  • Emotions
The 4 Elements of Developing Self-Awareness
  • Self-awareness starts with self-confidence. ...
  • The next element is your mindset. ...
  • The third element of self-awareness is understanding your strengths. ...
  • The last element of self-awareness is motivation.
Practicing self-awareness is about learning to better understand why you feel what you feel and why you behave in a particular way. Having this awareness gives you the opportunity and freedom to change things about yourself, enabling you to create a life that you want.
Teachers can use autobiogrpahy assignments using powerpoint presrntions templates to a

ssist students in doing the self awareness work.
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