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What are Perceptual Abilities for students with Autism spectrum disorder? by Kelly Jean Sullilvan

  What are  Perceptual Abilities ? <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>   Can occur at any stage of learning new information   When a student has difficulty retaining what they see or hear when learning new information   Usually happens in toddlers, infants, or children ages 6-7   What are  Visual Perceptual Abilities ?   When a child is unable to make sense of what they are seeing When children confuse images   Can my child overcome  Visual Perceptual Abilities ?   A child cannot overcome visual perceptual abilities, but there are ways around it     Visual perceptual abilities  do not  affect the brain, only vision –  thus… Can my child overcome  Visual Perceptual Abilities ? Cont… making that focus on the brain weaker   Not considered a learning disability, but found in students who have learning disabilities   Cause students to have frus

Least restrictive environment=LRE and students with Autism

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>   Least restrictive environment=LRE The least restrictive environment It required by law that students with disabilities receive their instruction with their peers and not to be removed from the regular classroom unless even with supplemental airs and services education in the regular classroom cannot be achieved. Mainstreaming –placement of students with disabilities into the regular classroom so that the child can get an education with their peers. Federal regulations says that unless IEP requires other arrangements the child is to be educated in the school with peers.    Continuum of alternative placements – ·          Must meet needs of children with disabilities for special education and related services ·          Special schools ·          Home school instruction ·          It identifies diffe

Clinical teaching by Kelly Jean sullivan

  Clinical teaching <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> ·          Specialized instruction –specialized instruction is an individually designed program that may be more intense and is based on the needs and learning skills .this kind of instruction will include academic or behavioral ·            Specialized instruction from accommodations –this type of instruction is use dot increase the student’s access to academic content through instruction in the general accommodations.     (IEP) what needs to be considered when choosing what will use ·          1.increases access to learning ·          2.promotes independence ·          3.use of environment · ·          5.easy to use and operate materials ·          6.cost to maintain ·          Students must have access and be able to practic