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Least restrictive environment=LRE
The least restrictive environment
It required by law that students with disabilities receive their
instruction with their peers and not to be removed from the regular classroom
unless even with supplemental airs and services education in the regular
classroom cannot be achieved.
Mainstreaming –placement of students with disabilities into the
regular classroom so that the child can get an education with their peers.
Federal regulations says that unless IEP requires other arrangements the child
is to be educated in the school with peers.
Continuum of alternative placements –
Must meet needs of
children with disabilities for special education and related services
Special schools
Home school
It identifies
different services delivery models to provide designed instruction to a student
with disabilities .the alternative placement must be close to the student’s
home and a setting with the student is with non-disabled peers.
Different types of educational settings =the federal regulations do not
require that lean occurs only in school.it is setting where one would go in
order to have an educational experience.it can be formal or informal or
non-formal. A teacher must consider
1. Severity of disability
2. Need related to services
3. Ability to fit into the routine of setting
4. Social /academic skills of student
5. Level of schooling of student.
Inclusion setting=
1. Team approach
2. Provides support services
3. Plans for social acceptance
4 .teaches students appropriate classroom
*interacting positively with others
*following classroom rules
*good habits
*use of co teaching strategies
For integrating the student will be placed in the regular art times lunch
times assemblies recess dances computer item and be able to use the same
facilities hallways restrooms gym and library cafeteria.
partnerships between general education and special education teachers
Thesis a style of integration that provides a way for groups to work
together with people in education from different areas to find a creative
solution to mutually defined problems
1. Mutual goals –common perception
2. Voluntarily participate-invites participation
3. Equality-each person has equal power use names not titles facilitates
4. Shared responsibility/decision making- balance labors brainstorms clear
actions to follow up
6. Shared resources-all contribute joint decision making allocating resources
a student’s learning disabilities affect families and parents. –
Children with
disabilities take and emotional toll on parents the parents are responsible
24/7 they rarely get vacations. It’s a big challenge to the parents and they
need support from the schools and extended families as well as professionals.
Parents can be scared by the evaluation process and not knowing what to do.
It’s difficult for the parent when the child cannot compel .caretakers parents
need time away for time off for index to find ways to do their own interests
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