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Ornstein, Allan C., et al. Contemporary Issues in Curriculum. Pearson, 2015.chapter 1-7 review by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> dio players and recorders Chapter 1-  We need a framework for the schools' goals in education. Philosophy as a curium source-Teachers need to look from all perspectives. This chapter lists the four philosophical big influences on education in the USA. ·          Perennialism -Teacher is to assist in creating intellect and educate teach facts to use explicit teaching strategies, classical historical topics, and very traditional philosophy. ·          Essentialism-  The teacher is to assist in individual growth teach skills that will lead to academic achievement in math, English science history, and all languages teacher uses a traditional philosophy this is the law back to the basics teaching. ·          Progressivism- The teacher needs to   teach democracy in the classroom. The teacher sets up a

Art and Cognition: Integrating the Visual Arts in the Curriculum by Arthur D. Efland A book review by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> dio players and recorders Summary       Arthur Efland who an important scholar in art education, looks at some problems of art education and getting art back into schools. The author then looks at art and the development of our minds.                 Efland argues that when a person develops art interest and abilities that this role plays an important part in both learning and cognition. The ability of art to help people create cultural meaning is essential in social communication. The author goes on to look at the visual arts not just as letting out emotions but as a cognitive process and essential in learning. Looking art through a cognitive lens would be a good step in the right direction in how art is taught in schools.              The author uses science and specifically cognitive developments in

The Outliers by Malcom Gladwell summery by KellyJean Sullilvan

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> dio players and recorders Outliers Summary: Outliers break norms. Opportunity This book The Outliers by Malcom Gladwell is a contribution to the arts that teaches us through storytelling that we need to do things in a collaborative way to find success. For success to occur there is a group of factors that need occur such as opportunity, meaningful work, and your cultural legacy. Success is not just about anyone’s innate ability.              Malcom Gladwell speaks about other factors for success such as chance. Things one cannot control such as your birth date, where you were born and being in the right place influence the opportunities one might ultimately have.   10,000 mastery hours             To gain mastery of something it takes 20 hrs. week for 10 years. Those are the numbers and ther

Mindfulness art therapy journaling toolkit for pre-service elementary k -6 teachers -strategies for assisting ESE students in accessing mental health supports by Kelly Jean Sullivan

    <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> dio players and recorders         Before COVID-19, more than 10 million American E.S.E. students had unmet health supports.   (Mental American Art Therapy Association Health America, surveys). Mental health awareness in the elementary student is desperately needed.   America's most vulnerable students at this moment educational future are at stake, as well as their and well-being. Covid-19 has created unprecedented chaos and stress distance learning for E.S.E. students. Palm beach county is no exception. Only about 50 percent of students participated in virtual education. Students are getting little access to mental health services. There is still a considerable gap between elementary E.S.E. students and access to mental health services. distance learning will not serve as a substitute for

Pre-linguistic first year of communication-By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> dio players and recorders Three things children begin to attend to during the pre-linguistic first year of communication- ·          Development of gestures ·          Making good eye contact ·          Sound repartee between infant on others ·          Cooing ·          Babbling and crying ·          Examples for this would be dadada mama and washhh  pre linguistic milieu teaching training first prompts list 3 types of prompts and give examples  identifying children who are likely to respond to pre linguistic milieu teaching  variables to consider .what are the key components that you will try to implement during sessions with 4 years ole  use evidence based strategies Kid Talk/ Enhanced Milieu Teaching is an evidence-based practice developed for parents and teachers . ... Natur