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Pre-linguistic first year of communication-By Kelly Jean Sullivan


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Three things children begin to attend to during the pre-linguistic first year of communication-

·         Development of gestures

·         Making good eye contact

·         Sound repartee between infant on others

·         Cooing

·         Babbling and crying

·         Examples for this would be dadada mama and washhh

 pre linguistic milieu teaching training first prompts list 3 types of prompts and give examples

 identifying children who are likely to respond to pre linguistic milieu teaching

 variables to consider

.what are the key components that you will try to implement during sessions with 4 years ole

 use evidence based strategies

Kid Talk/ Enhanced Milieu Teaching is an evidence-based practice developed for parents and teachers. ... Naturalistic, conversation based intervention that teaches specific targets in functional contexts

Milieu teaching is a practice that involves manipulating or arranging stimuli in a preschool child's natural environment to create a setting that encourages the child to engage in a targeted and engage-

The first goal is to set up an interactive

context between the adult and child.

• Communication develops on a platform

of shared joint attention and


– Social interaction between child and adult

– Play with objects and partner

– Routines where communication is functional

.notice and respond to all communication-

• Notice and respond every time the child


– Respond by talking about what the child is


• Language is most meaningful when it’s:

related to what the child is doing

– in response to what the child is


take turns-

Take turns communicating with the child.

• Allow time for the child to communicate.

• Play a game of “communication catch”

– Child communicates

– Adult responds (and waits)

– Child communicates

– Adult responds (and waits)

• Only say something after the child communicates.

.Mirror and Map-Use mirroring and mapping when the

child is not communicating

– nothing to respond to

– no communication catch

• Mapping must come after mirroring.

• First imitate the action and then label

the action with words, if possible,

point as you label

– Child: {feeds baby}

– Adult: {feeds baby} we feed the baby some milk.

when identifying children who are likely to respond to pre linguistic milieu teaching when need to consider-

ask is the child asd

·         Once children are communicating frequently and

spontaneously (or with only a short time delay

prompt), symbolic language (i.e., words) becomes

the target

Children who have at least 5 productive words are

appropriate candidates for language intervention

rather than prelinguistic intervention

Need to identify if the child can

  • Wave
  • Raise hand in a "give-me-five" gesture
  • Shrug shoulders
  • Lead someone by the hand
  • Move someone's hand to touch something
  • Tap an item of interest to show to someone
  • Point to something at a distance
  • Point to something by touching it
  • Push someone's hand away
  • Push an object away
  • Touch someone to get attention
  • Give something to another person for help
  • Extend an open hand to request something
  • Clap to express enjoyment
  • Choose by looking from an object to a person

Need to look to see if the child is requesting= child understands

Need to look to see if the child comments –gestures

And the fluency of the gestures

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