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Ornstein, Allan C., et al. Contemporary Issues in Curriculum. Pearson, 2015.chapter 1-7 review by Kelly Jean Sullivan

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Chapter 1- 

We need a framework for the schools' goals in education. Philosophy as a curium source-Teachers need to look from all perspectives. This chapter lists the four philosophical big influences on education in the USA.

·         Perennialism-Teacher is to assist in creating intellect and educate teach facts to use explicit teaching strategies, classical historical topics, and very traditional philosophy.

·         Essentialism- The teacher is to assist in individual growth teach skills that will lead to academic achievement in math, English science history, and all languages teacher uses a traditional philosophy this is the law back to the basics teaching.

·         Progressivism- The teacher needs to teach democracy in the classroom. The teacher sets up a classroom that assists in active learning. The teacher has taken an interest inventory and basis learning on interest using a curriculum that aligns with this. The teacher uses a more contemporary philosophy when teaching.

·         Reconstructionism- This is where there is a plan to act and improve and restructure things that will happen in the future. The teacher shows the students the problem and then lets their imagination d creativity solve the problem. The teacher inspires the students and actively allows for changing ideas using social studies as content. The teacher uses a more contemporary philosophy of teacher. The teacher needs to examine the curriculum and see if it aligns with the school's current philosophy.




Chapter 2 

            When teachers make the curriculum important to have a good idea of the end goal of what needs to be learned. All the goals should align with the most important for the students. The teacher needs to look at the results and outcomes. Some things that need to be reflected upon when creating a curriculum are: Is the outcome worthy? Are the goals clear and measurable? Can the students learn from the goal? Teachers must write the goals clearly stating the student will be able to. The teacher needs to be aware of the students' environment and use this information to pick relevant topics to teach. The state has objectives, but the teachers teach problem solving and analysis because this is a life skill they will need once they are out of school. When helping the class and the teacher making the lesson plans.

Chapter 3 

The teacher picks a goal, and needs to examine how effective the goal is in the school by using tests and state standards to fix bigger problems in the system of education. These standards are being used to control the system and predict the future. This system sets up competition in the schools and does not allow for creativity and interactions. The system is teaching students to perform and not teaching them to love learning for learning's sake. We are not set up to get kids excited to want to discover and learn they are performing for grades now rewards. Teachers are not teaching intrinsic motivation. Students cannot make decisions and do not question things anymore. The day and schedules are set up so that the teachers are booked and have very little time to collaborate.

Chapter 4

We are killing creativity in schools. There is not anyone thinks outside of the box because we have taught children to be passive and not ask questions. The teachers need to teach the students that the classroom is a safe space to take risks and use their imagination d creativity. Teachers need to teach students how to be curious again. As art teachers and advocates, we need more time making art and music and less time on standardized testing. The arts promote active, hands-on learning. The stress of technology is taking away the creativity of the children. Children can find their voices through the arts.

Chapter 5

The common core is a pathway set up to prepare the student for college. The system was set up so that those who had college degrees would earn more. Things are changing, and the demand for a college degree is dwindling. We need to see if the high schools activate the desire for the students to learn and go on to college.

Some teachers believe the high schoolers are not even ready for college because of the set standards. Standards in New York do not align with the standards in Florida. There has been a problem with this for years, and it has not been fixed. The common core tried to unify this issue, and this was the recommendation that would fix and assist kids getting into college. There needed to be some criteria of what the students needed to know before they get to college. The students need a baseline of reading and comprehension, basic writing skills, and math. The system was readjusted to track and assess these skills to ensure kids are on track and meeting benchmarks. In teacher education, the focus is to teach preservice teachers the standards and do so with a diverse lens.

Chapter 6

This chapter looks at the New Nodding's philosophy. This philosophy finally brought relationships and caring into teaching. We look at things through a philosophy of relationships and morals. The teacher can organize her year around themes of caring and not just facts. Teaching students to do their best to take care of themselves and things around them. Respect a teacher can do this nicely by integrating subjects, especially art, into the content. This approach is A holistic approach to teaching. Having a caring school environment where the children know the teachers and are safe is essential.

Chapter 7

            Good teaching requires a lot of honest reflection and constant lifelong learning and flexibility. We must be many things to kids, but the kids never forget a good teacher who cares. Teachers need to be grounded and teach authentically and connect with the students where they are in eh real world. Wittiness is key. The teacher must demonstrate to the kids that the teacher can only have respect and control over a class when this is in place. If the teacher does not have this, then behaviors are an issue, and no learning can occur. Teachers must have integrity and know more than just content. It is easy to see a poor teacher who speaks and is not the kids can smell it. The teacher can speak from experience and truth and inspire. Teachers are not staying in the profession because they are looking for heart. They need to have peer mentors who rally around and support them. Many teachers teach because they feel it is a calling and forget this on the way to the 2 or 3 years. Teachers need to constantly do work on their personal growth to keep the passion going. Without this, there is nothing in the gas tank, and teaching becomes boring to some.








Ornstein, Allan C., et al. Contemporary Issues in Curriculum. Pearson, 2015.


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