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The Outliers by Malcom Gladwell summery by KellyJean Sullilvan


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Outliers Summary: Outliers break norms.


This book The Outliers by Malcom Gladwell is a contribution to the arts that teaches us through storytelling that we need to do things in a collaborative way to find success. For success to occur there is a group of factors that need occur such as opportunity, meaningful work, and your cultural legacy. Success is not just about anyone’s innate ability.

            Malcom Gladwell speaks about other factors for success such as chance. Things one cannot control such as your birth date, where you were born and being in the right place influence the opportunities one might ultimately have.

  10,000 mastery hours

            To gain mastery of something it takes 20 hrs. week for 10 years. Those are the numbers and there is no easy quick fix to that.  There are People who have the chance to collect the 10,000 hours while others do not.

In terms of a legacy, we are handed down our values from our families. I am Italian and we have very different values say form others from Hathi. Teachers must do their own reflection on how this may be a bias in how they see children and their behaviors and learning styles.

 This relates to the class in how some children do not have access to educational resources due to socioeconomic conditions. Wealthier children have more time and access to coaching and fine arts lessons that can increase their skills at a faster rate.





      Family values are passed down. How we are brought up leads to opportunity. Wealthier parents are involved with their children and talk with them more. The wealthier children go on trips in the summer and art museums and have more experiences to learn from in the summer when instruction stops. Children of wealthier families get tutors and help with their homework. They are taught self-advocacy and are less likely to settle for a no at the first time and do not give up.

 How you are brought up and opportunity

How a child has been brought up will determine their future success. This relates to our class in how some students of the wealthier parents get privileges, that the lower income students do not. The teacher needs to be aware of the possibility of treating some students one way and others another way due to economic status. the teacher needs to be aware of having low expectations for the lower income students. Educated families teach their children the right to assert sells and advocate.

This relates to our class in the need for the teacher to beware of where the child’s up bringing from a cultural perspective to understand both the child’s learning styles and their ability to grasp topics. Teachers must look at those who have opportunities and those who do not and why.

 Finding Meaningful    daily work

 As humans we need to feel that there is a bigger Why or purpose to the work we are doing. Having a Why will help in motivation. Meaningful work makes you want to accomplish the work and go the extra mile. Dr. Saint John spoke of remembering the why of what you are doing.  This relates to the class in teacher motivation and self-efficacy collaborative school efficacy and most important motivation for students.

When there is an opportunity grab it. Timing is very Critical to gaining success and opportunity. This relates to our class when Dr. Saint John told us to grab a chance or a risk when you can and to use faith when you do so that the resources and the right people will show up when you need them to get the job done.

This book relates to my personal study in that it looks at the diversity population and assists me in seeing how that diversity may be a lens that needs to be accounted for in collecting data especially in the per service education of the general education K-6 teachers and their demographics.

This book has also assisted in my looking at my own background and what lens I am looking through to see how this may be a possible bias in the study as a researcher. For my research study I need look at what teacher candidates will do best and how this mindset is affected by a cultural shaped by meaning full work. An example would be to look at demographic data and How this would affect teachers working with students with Autism.

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Gladwell, Malcolm, 1963- author. (2008). Outliers: the story of success. New York: Little, Brown and Company


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