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Four models of co-teaching—station teaching, interactive teaching, alternative teaching, and parallel teaching by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> dio players and recorders Using the four models of co-teaching—station teaching, interactive teaching, alternative teaching, and parallel teaching— when and how you would use each model in your classroom. 1.Station teaching- a good way we can use the class time  to help the kids have more success . The station is a special place that gives the student extra exposure and practice time to work on the content.we are building this in reading class for critical 1.the station can be for small groups or for individual  targeted instruction. 2.the interactive teaching - this is my favorite of lithe models of co teaching . You motivate the students who are bored or distracted by the lecture or PowerPoint. You get them to pay attention and to be part of the class by using a hook or a question or as marissa Corey

Using Behaviorism and Autism cursing issues by Kelly Jean Sullivan

<script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> dio players and recorders   The child has a behavior issue with-cursing  so we need to target that behavior and teach correct behavior.  The first thing i would do is go over class rules on cursing . A nice behavior chart with smiley faces should be on the child’s desk .  The consequences and rewards can be determined by a student inventory of like and dislikes .this will keep the student motivated.  I would use stickers they are just fun to use .the consequences could be increase of computer time if that’s what child likes or decrease loss computer time. .I’d have an bigger consequence which would be letter to parents r call parents .parents need to be onboard ,to replace the bad behavior the child could watch videos on respectful speaking .  I would have to do an ABC and fib assessment to see what is t

Progress Monitoring and Autism by Kelly Jean Sullivan

    <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> dio players and recorders Progress Monitoring for Fidelity The teacher needs to monitor fidelity as soon as possible and as often. The reason we do this is because research show that when the data is collected 2 times a week the teacher gets easier with doing so and this will help the teacher continue to keep the observational data. The teacher cannot get lazy and needs to have a peer teacher observe her doing this to keep on top of how she is doing. The teacher can use a fidelity checklist this helps the teacher plan and keep going.       The teacher needs to stay on top of how she is doing with the fidelity and the progress monitoring she can assist in doing this by asking and other teacher to help. The teacher needs to do the fidelity check handout. Teacher needs to monitor and reflect n o

Evidence based practices with fidelity by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> dio players and recorders 1. Fidelity of implementation is when the teacher makes a vow to follow the way the tests need to be given properly and to follow the state laws. The teacher has to do this when she is doing an intervention.   It is important that the teacher does this so that it is reliable and effective. 2. Components of fidelity are   The teacher has to follow the right amount of time that the child has to work on the information .there are strict procedures to follow when teaching and the teacher needs to follow them. The teacher cannot just go Willie nille but must follow the steps for the EBP and it has to be done in the right order. The teacher has to give the practice the right length of exposure time to the child for blocks of forty mins and the ebp must be given a term to work

Evidence based practices for Autism explained by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> dio players and recorders 1. Evidence based practices are skills and strategies that the teacher can use that have data behind them. The data is research based and shows that the strategy works. If there is no evidence then the strategy can actually be of no use and the students can have bad outcomes. 2, The benefits of ebp are that they show positive student outcome and show student improvement. The ebp comes from research and data that is form may sources Go to the research and find one yourself. 4. We can use the following processes if we can’t find the ebp-we can match student with resources we can select content area practices that hace shown to be effective with the typical students and students with disabilities. 5. Behavior issues – incredible year and first steps I have attached my c