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Four models of co-teaching—station teaching, interactive teaching, alternative teaching, and parallel teaching by Kelly Jean Sullivan


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Using the four models of co-teaching—station teaching, interactive teaching, alternative teaching, and parallel teaching— when and how you would use each model in your classroom.

1.Station teaching- a good way we can use the class time  to help the kids have more success . The station is a special place that gives the student extra exposure and practice time to work on the content.we are building this in reading class for critical 1.the station can be for small groups or for individual  targeted instruction.

2.the interactive teaching - this is my favorite of lithe models of co teaching . You motivate the students who are bored or distracted by the lecture or PowerPoint. You get them to pay attention and to be part of the class by using a hook or a question or as marissa Corey does it a joke. I use hands on art xperiences.

3.alternative teaching - when you have a group of kid and some  of them are not getting it you need to do something different . The modified books is a good example for teaching in reading.

4.parallel teaching - this is like  student teaching  or when there are 2 teachers in the class. It can be a GE teacher with special ed. teacher. The teachers decide on their strengths and weakness and then they plan the lesson and then split the class up in half. Each teacher teaches to the group you have .


the 5 essential factors for effective cooperative learning are 

positive interdependence

individual /group accountability 

interaction one on one

teaching /interpersonal/group

group processing

the jigsaw strategies uses all .

in the jigsaw method the teacher has an article for example and then separates the children into pairs or small groups. This forces one on one and for them to rely on each other .the group must independently read research the content and then the group meets again. This makes the group accountable and is a police experience.

Each member of the group receive a piece of the task, read and learn about it. After that, you share with your group your part and learn the others. Then the group presents the material. The 5 essential factors are: work independently and in group, positive interdependence, interaction, teaching, group processing.

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