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Assessment thoughts for students with Autism spectrum disorder by Kelly Jean Sullivan

    <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Assess reading because these skills are needed to monitor development in the classroom. Diagnostic tests can help all students learn to read quickly  Technology text to speech to print can be used without prereq. Reading skills and is a useful tool. Research still need to be done to address issues of when we need to use reading interventions and teaching children to read (reading accommodations). Cannot predict who and who will not learn to read when we access and intervene.   Reading this chapter, I was interested in finding out that Reading skills are needed to live and thrive in our society. Assess math provides information so that the teacher can make decisions on the student’s mastery of math instruction. All schools teach math facts a

Teachers working together improving learning outcomes in the inclusive classroom- practical strategies and examples By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  Teachers working together improving learning outcomes in the inclusive classroom- practical strategies and examples   <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>      Teacher collaboration between the general teacher and the special education teacher is needed more than ever in the schools. Teacher collaborating is a way that the teachers agreeably share and interact in shared decisions so that it a unit and they work for the common goal.   The teacher has seven practical options to use to collect data.   These are assessment strategies that are used to support and document improved outcomes for the students.        Teachers need to collaborate on data collection.   The methods that the teacher can use to collaborate are co teaching peer teaching collaboration consultation and collaborative problem solving.      Teachers cannot just dep

Pecs exchange communication system for students with autism spectrum disorder by Kelly Jean Sullivan

 Pecs exchange communication system    <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>      Pecs the picture exchange communicating system is a type of augmentative alternative communication.  The people who made this is a company called Pyramid Educational Consultants Inc.  This system can be used with both children with learning disabilities in preschool and children with autism.   (Charlop-Christy, M. H., Carpenter, M., Le, L., LeBlanc, L. A., & Kellet, K. 2002).      Pecs was created by Lori Frost and Andrew Bondi in the mid-eighties at the dew aware autism program when Lori and Andy looked at the type of communication systems that were being used they saw that even the speech and sign language and even the child pointing systems all did one thing.  These systems all relied on the shoulders of the teacher to start the interaction. None of them

Hearing loss A Genetic Disorder that affects Speech and Language by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  Hearing loss A  Genetic Disorder that affects Speech and Language <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Genetic factors cause more than 50 percent of all hearing loss in children, whether present at birth or developed later in life. Definition Hearing loss exists when there is diminished ability to the sounds usually being heard. The terms hearing loss means not able to hear sound in the speech frequencies. The severity of a hearing loss is categorized according to the increase in the intensity of sound above the normal levels that are needed so that the listener can hear it.      Deafness is as a loss of hearing in a person who is unable to understand speech even in with amplification. In profound deafness, even the highest intensity sounds produced by an instrument used to measure hearing by producing pure tone sounds cannot

Oral languages strategies and techniques for autism spectrum Disorder By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Oral languages strategies and techniques for autism spectrum Disorder     How can   a teacher can know if the child has a language problem?  The teacher knowing the millstone, and the teacher needs to be aware of other issues that can affect a child’s difficulty with language. It is the teacher’s job to refer the child for speech and language evaluations.  Of course, I know that the teacher would be looking at academic difficulties, but I did not know that oral language problems could hinder the reading and writing. I learned that the teacher needs many strategies to teach ELL students  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>