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Autism and Grounding By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> What does grounding mean autism? Grounding is  a practice that can help you pull away from flashbacks, unwanted memories, and negative or challenging emotions . These techniques may help distract you from what you're experiencing and refocus on what's happening in the present moment Does grounding help sensory overload? Filidor says, “ Practicing grounding techniques that focus on the body helps regulate the body periodically and helps you feel more prepared to tackle any challenges that may arise . Steps for using Grounding Techniques Scan the Room. Take a look around you. ... Relax Your Body. The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique. During a panic attack, people can get stuck in their thoughts. ... Picture a Calm Place in Your Mind. Think about a place where you feel totally calm.

Water Play and Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Many children with autism are drawn to water for its calming, sensory experience. In fact, a 2015 study[1] found that children with ASD enjoy swimming significantly more than children without ASD. And while water can present a safety concern,  water play and swimming also offer several benefits for children with ASD How does swimming help autism? Swimming can help an autistic child  improve their speech, coordination, social skills, self-esteem, and cognitive processing Why is my child obsessed with water? "Children usually enjoy playing in water because  it stimulates their senses, and is oftentimes calming .

Stratagies for Anxiety By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  Other Coping Mechanisms for ADHD and Anxiety Today Structure unstructured time. . Exercise and movement. . Maintain healthy habits. . Specify tasks. . Organize physical spaces.What are some coping strategies for ADHD <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 10 Coping Mechanisms for Thriving With Adult ADHD Make time for exercise every day. ... Accept yourself and your limitations. ... Find people that accept you. ... Look for time in your day to unwind. ... Create a system for prioritizing your day. ... Use your own internal clock to your benefit. ... Create deadlines for projects

Puppets and Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> A new study by researchers at the Yale Child Study Center demonstrates that  puppets can attract and hold the attention of children with autism spectrum disorder  (ASD), raising the potential for developing more engaging therapies that strengthen social engagement and facilitate learning <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486">  </amp-auto-ads>h How to Use Finger Puppets to Teach Children with Autism Use finger puppets with children's songs. . Build communication skills. . Build fine motor skills.  Build imitation skills. . Role play Build attention skills Work on eye contact.  As a reinforcerFour years ago, Sesame Street introduced Julia, its first new Muppet in 10 years. At first only in an online picture book, and later the sh...

Paint Sample Art Therapy By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  What are the objectives of collage making? Collage can help children to learn skills such as gluing, sticking, taping, stapling, cutting, tearing. experiment with different resources. social skills students share with other children as they share materials and tools. be creative and learn about design, patternmaking, dimension and composition. gain concentration skills Making a collage helps your child  build fine motor skills . It's also a fun way to encourage your child's awareness of color and texture.   if you talk with your child about his collage, it helps his language development too MAKING A COLOR/SHAPE COLLAGE – LESSON PLAN Students create collages to explore the use of warm/cool colors, value, shade/tint, mood, balance, pattern, complementary colors, and overlapping colors and shapes. Length:  1-2 class periods Grades:  4-5 Concepts/Objectives: Students will make collages using the elements of art and principles of design. Students will demonstrate a...