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Written Language difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorder by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Theories describing written language difficulties- words are the main form of human communication .writing is the last to be learned when we write we integrate listening speaking and reading ·           Writing across the curr. writing in all subjects ·           Written expression ·           Writing connected in the integrated language system ·           Early literacy and writing .students learn to read by oral reading and writing skills. Writing is self-involved /reading is interpreted ·           Writing is good for all children and helps them understand left to right ·           Writing process-prewriting draft revise share 2. How to teach spelling- ·           Auditory /memory/ letter sounds ·           Visual word memory flash cards ·           Multisensory ·           Recall ·           Writin

The importance of the early years-early intervention by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  The importance of the early years- <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> The early years are critical because it is a time when the child develops .It is important to be alert so that one can identify things and avoid or reduce failure issues later on. Early intervention -accelerates cognitive and social development and reduces behavior problems .early intervention also helps the families it empowers the parents. ·          identify birth -5 who have special needs ·          get immediate early intervention programs ·          enhances intellectual ·          promotes physical, cognitive language psychological and self help ·          inhibits secondary disables ·          reduces family stress ·          reduces dependency /institutionalization ·          saves nation money in health care and education cost Stages fo