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The importance of the early years-early intervention by Kelly Jean Sullivan


The importance of the early years-

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The early years are critical because it is a time when the child develops .It is important to be alert so that one can identify things and avoid or reduce failure issues later on.

Early intervention-accelerates cognitive and social development and reduces behavior problems .early intervention also helps the families it empowers the parents.

·         identify birth -5 who have special needs

·         get immediate early intervention programs

·         enhances intellectual

·         promotes physical, cognitive language psychological and self help

·         inhibits secondary disables

·         reduces family stress

·         reduces dependency /institutionalization

·         saves nation money in health care and education cost

Stages for working with young children in general education-

·         special end/regular teacher work together planning

·         share common curriculum

·         adaptions for diverse learning styles and abilities

·         child initiated activities

·         teacher imitated activities

·         age appropriate for child’s stage of learning and development

·         nourishing activates all children social

·         communication activates

·         Consider cultural and linguistic diversity in children.

Importance of law and young children with disabilities-

·         preschool 3-5

·         infants and toddlers b-2

*the provisions for the laws are different for each group

Preschoolers 3-5-

·         development delay

·         IEP

·         Law part b-mandatory

·         State education agency

·         Transition to regular class or special end classroom

·         Developmental learning

·         Early childhood special end teacher

-In preschool must have one or more-?

·         Physical development

·         Cognitive development

·         Communication development

·         Social emotional development

·         Adaptive development

Infants and toddlers-

·         Birth -2

·         Development delay

·         IFSP?

·         Part c-permissive

·         Agency appointed by governor of state

·         To a program for preschool special end

·         Family infant interaction

·         Service coordinator

Head start-

·         Provides preschool education to low income 4-5 year olds .gives them early educational experience

·         1972 it finally included special education children services

·         Study shows that if child is in head start there are long tem benefits the child is less likely to be retained and need to repeat the curs

·         Saves the government money because students complete school and contribute to society

Developmental indicators of problems in young children-

Signs that there may be problems

·         Motor skills

·         Auditory skills

·         Visual processing

·         Speech and language development

·         Attention abilities

·         Talking late

·         Pronouncing problems

·         Slow vocabulary growth

·         Difficulty rhyming words

·         Trouble learning numbers

·         Treble learning alphabet

·         Trouble learning the days of the week

·         Restless and easily distracted

·         Trouble with peers

·         Can’t follow directions

*children need to be identified early

Developmental indicators-

·         Gross motor skills(jumping walking skipping)

·         Fine motor skills(zippers buttons using crayons puzzles art projects)

·         Auditory processing-the ability to integrate what is heard

·         .if child is having a hard time reading

·         Phonemical awareness

·         Auditory decimation

·         Auditory memory

·         Auditory sequencing

·         Blending

Visual processing-this is very important and deed for reading

Can see but has a problem visually decimation of letters and words

·         Visual closure

·         Reading difficulties


Communication /language skills-

·         Speech difficulties

·         Listening

·         Respond to directions

·         Responding to instruction

·         Imitating conversation

·         Explaining

·         Engaging conversation

·         Communicating to others

Problems with attention-

·         ADD

·         Hyperactivity

·         Inattention

·         Impulsivity

·         Cannot regulate or manage activity levels to meet demands of the moment

·         Driven by motor /running climbing excessively

·         Fidgeting

·         Making loud noises

·         Difficulty concentrating on one task

·         Easily distracted

·         Shift from one activity to another and do not finish what they started

·         Act before considering the consequences

·         Difficulty sharing and taking turns

Motor skill development and learning-

·         Slow top get their motor skills

·         Eating with utensils

·         Putting on clothes

·         Buttoning

·         Catching a ball

·         Riding a bike

Use the IEP for adaptive PE

·         Motor skill development very important and teacher needs to be aware of this

Development coordination disorder-

·         Delay in milestones

·         Dropping things

·         Clumsiness

·         Poor performance in sports

·         Poor handwriting


·         Balance

·         Rhythm

·         Body image

Interventions strategies-

·         Increase the building up of the motor skills

·         Increase especial awareness

·         Use activities like going through and under and over and between and around and obstacles

Concept of motor development –

·         Gross motor development=large muscles head trunk and arms and legs running catching and jumping

·         Fine motor skill development= small muscles  picking up small food using scissors picking up a crayon and using fork and spoon

Motor development through play-

·         Learning to reach  grasp run stoop stretch

·         Use games that help with self-concept  and social relationships

·         Movement games that allow the child to increase their attention span

·         Learn letters by ropes on the playground using total body helps with add and decreases hyperactivity.

Perceptual motor development-

·         Newell depart linked perceptual motor learning with learning disabilities

·         Children integrate motor and behavior and perception in the

·         Visual

·         Auditory

·         Tactile

·         Kinesthetic perception

·         Child may become confused when given the symbolic material

·         The child has to touch the object to make sure it there

Auditory discrimination-

·         Mitt mat

·         Big pig

·         Phoneme sounds-words that are the same word with different

·         Auditory memory store and recall what they heard

·         Auditory sequencing remember the order of sequence of things

·         Auditory blending

·         Blend single phonic to complete works

·         H-a-t hat

Steps in accessing young children-

·         Child find-locate children increase public awareness

·         Screening-identifying children who need further study-vision hearing motor emotional cognitive

·         Diagnosis deterring extent of the delay plan intervention-formal

·         Evaluating measure progress plan for transition-measure progress skills learned skills lacking

Areas of assessment-

·         Cognitive

·         Show me 3 blocks

·         On under between middle

·         Identify given concepts round or bigger

·         Naming letters

·         Sorting chips by color and shape

·         Cutting various patterns with scissors

·         Touching fingers

·         Hopping

·         Catch ball or bean bag

Communication development-

·         Speech/language

·         Repeating numbers

·         Describe picture

·         Copy series patterns

·         State name gender phone number

Adaptive development-

·         Self-help skills

·         Dress self

·         Eating skills

·         Separate from the parents

Early intervention strategies/activities-

·         Walking activities forward and back sideways

·         Stepping on stones

·         Box games

·         Line walks

·         Throwing balloons

·         Catching

·         Balance beam

·         Jumping jacks

·         Rope skills

·         Tracing

·         Stencils and templates

·         Lacing

·         Clipping clothes pins

·         Copying designs

·         Point to body parts

·         Simon says

·         Hokey pokey

·         Water activities

Auditory processing-

·         Phonological awareness

·         Listing sounds

·         Auditory decimation

·         Auditory memory

·         Phonological awareness-hear the phonemes in the word

·         Listening for sounds

·         Listening for sound patterns

Auditory discrimination-

·         Near/far

·         Laud and soft

·         High and low

Auditory memory

·         Follow directions

·         Nursery rhymes

Visual processing-

·         Pegboard designs

·         Blocks

·         Puzzles

·         Find shapes in pictures

·         Classifications’

·         Playing cards

·         Letters and numbers

·         Identify missing object

·         Ordering for memory

For chapter 8- I would like to know more about the visual perceptions and visual processing as art teacher think knowing this is essential .I would also like to know some projects to use in assisting  this and in detecting g this.

Chapter 9 reflection #3 survey

Characteristics of adolescents with learning disabilities-

·         They have conflicting feelings

·         Freedom /independences

·         Security/dependence

·         Rapid physical changes

·         Sexuality

·         Peer pressure

·         Self-consciousness

·         These canal effect learning process

All of the above with a learning disability makes it hard to cope


Academic difficulties and traits of adolescents and learning disabilities-

·         Cultural and linguistic diversity –esol

·         Passive learning –learned helplessness

·         Poor self-concept-low self-esteem form past failures

·         Social /behavioral problems –hard to make friends

Attention deficits-long periods of concentration needed to study and listen in class this impedes the process

Lack of motivation-by secondary school they doubt intellectual abilities

Effective inclusionary strategies at secondary level-need to have relationship or partnership with the content area teacher

·         Use collaborative terms support and shared resources

·         Use a co teaching model

·         Determine each teachers strengths and preferences

·         Develop trust and respect

·         Administration support

·         Community and time

·         Provide differentiated instruction-instruction to all in the classroom


·         Content area teacher and special end share responsibilities


·         Content area teacher and special end teacher know the IEP


·         Content area teacher and special end teacher needs to know students strengths and weakness


·         Sufficient co planning time should be built into the day


·         Student expectations should be set by student abilities not by classification



Trasiton plan requirement

Transition –

Reorientation process that is focused upon improving academic and functioning achievement of the student with disabilities, help movement from school to after school activities vocational school independent living needs to be based upon the needs of the student  and the IEP is attached to the ITPO

Idea 2004 requirements

Beginning but not later that first IEP to be in effect when the student turns 16 updated annually


·         Measurable post-secondary goals based upon age appropriate

·         Training education employment living skills

·         Transition services and school work needs to assist student to reach their goals

·         One year before age a statement that the student has been informed their rights under the title that will transfer to the student

Transition plan

·         Current level of performance

·         Interests and aptitude

·         Post school goals

·         Transition activities

·         Designated responsible person

·         Review

·         Set goals for employment collage attendance and supported employment


Approaches to teaching adolescents with learning disabilities in secondary school

·         Intensive instruction in reading

·         Intensive instruction in math
survival skills

·         How to stay out of trouble

·         Help with good behavior

·         How to study for tests and taking tests

·         Organizing time

·         Taking notes

·         Self-identity

·         Career planning

·         Work study programs

Learning strategies instruction-

·         This helps adolescents with learning disabilities learn to take control of their ow learning

·         My job as teacher is to teach them how to learn

Learning strategies-are tools that students can use to approach task in content area or learning situations. The individuals approach to the task and how they pan on executing evaluating and preforming the task

Ld-inefficient learners in how they go about learning teacher needs to teach the student how to cope grade 3 and above

·         Use background knowledge

·         Monitor progress

·         Teach generalizations

·         Create active learners

·         Enhance self-concepts

·         Use memory strategies

·         Interactive learning

·         Develop questions

Post-secondary programs-

·         Non degree post-secondary programs

·         College programs

·         Literacy organizations for teaching adults to read

·         Computers

·         Characteristics of adults with learning disabilities

·         Deficits in reading spelling and math

·         Failure/below average content area science social studies health

·         Deficit work related skills such as listening taking notes studying taking test

·         Passive academic involvement

·         Pervasive lack of motivation

·         Inadequate interpersonal skills

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