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How to make a mandala with yarn lesson k-6 calmit19 by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  ata-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsen          data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsen <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>   This is a great summer craft project for kids with asd ,adhd and ocd

Mandalas with seeds and beans lesson k-6 calmit19 by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  ata-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsen          data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsen <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Here is a great project that incorporates nature. 

Mental health and flip phones by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  ata-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsen          data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsen <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Are flip phones better for your mental? flip phonesare helping them escape the always-on anxiety that comes from instant (and constant) communication ; ungluing them from their screens so they can more fully engage with what's going on around them .the gen z trend may be a step in the right direction. From  poor sleep quality to heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and depression , smartphone addiction can take a huge toll. Mental health providers need to be aware of the potential issues associated with the overuse of smartphones so that they can help their clients identi

Summer projects for ADHD by Kelly Jean Sullivan

    ata-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsen          data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsen <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Art therapy is a powerful tool for building problem-solving and communication skills.   Projects that encourage meaningful art-making at home — and learn how to work side-by-side with your child to enhance his strengths and address his challenges. Mandalas A mandala is a circle with a pattern inside it that represents the universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism. Drawing mandalas can help to create calm energy and promote focus. Some art therapists begin their sessions by asking a child to trace a round, flat object – like a plate – on a blank piece of paper, then fill it wi

How to draw an alligator lesson k-6 calmit19 by Kelly Jean Sullivan

    ata-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsen          data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsen <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> this is a simple lesson on how to draw a beginner alligator.