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Evidence Based Practices and autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Why is evidence-based practice important for autism? Individuals with autism benefit from treatments that integrate evidence-based approaches, such as behavior analytic techniques and visual supports,  to target the skills that are most relevant to that person's life <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> What are  Evidence-based Practices ?  An evidence-based practice is an instructional/intervention procedure or set of procedures for which researchers have provided an acceptable level of research that shows the practice produces positive outcomes for children, youth, and/or adults with ASD. What are three evidence-based practices for students with autism? Evidence-Based Practices Antecedent-based Intervention

Art and Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> How does art help people with autism? Art therapy allows  children with ASD to recognise and control their emotions in a structured situation . Many individuals on the autism spectrum have a lack of impulse control and can be easily overstimulated. Art therapy helps participants to identify trigger situations and develop coping mechanisms <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> some ideas are- Collage. Coloring. Doodling and scribbling. Drawing. Finger painting. Painting. Photography. Sculpting. <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Handwriting and Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Can autism affect writing? The new study found that children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder integrated in regular schools find it difficult to perform writing tasks. This can impair their academic achievements, social availability, and self-confidence, say experts What does autistic writing look like? A new study, published 28 June in Research in Developmental Disabilities, shows that children with autism tend to write  overly tall and wide cursive letters , suggesting difficulties with fine motor control. Overall, these children's handwriting is of variable size and slant. <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> What is dysgraphia? Dysgraphia can appear as difficulties with spelling and/or troubl

Using Pecs for Routines for Students with Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> PECS is a system for instructing students to communicate using pictures or symbols (pic/syms) in place of words.  Students physically exchange a picture to request an item, to comment on or describe something, and eventually to have a conversation. <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Making a pecs communication book for students with Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Picture Communication Starter Binder. Talk About Emotions Kit. Visual Support Starter Set. Picture Communication Card Sets. The Standard PECS Communication (previously known as large) Book   3-ring binder and is the recommended communication book for all PECS users.  This book is perfect for students who use  pictures to communicate. <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> PECS can be used with  children and adults  with a range of Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).  It is frequently used with children and adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions  and those who have little or no verbal communication <script async src="