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Evidence Based Practices and autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan


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Why is evidence-based practice important for autism?
Individuals with autism benefit from treatments that integrate evidence-based approaches, such as behavior analytic techniques and visual supports, to target the skills that are most relevant to that person's life
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What are Evidence-based Practices?
 An evidence-based practice is an instructional/intervention procedure or set of procedures for which researchers have provided an acceptable level of research that shows the practice produces positive outcomes for children, youth, and/or adults with ASD.
What are three evidence-based practices for students with autism?
Evidence-Based Practices
  • Antecedent-based Intervention (ABI)*
  • Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CBI)**
  • Differential Reinforcement (DR) Previously Differential Reinforcement of Alternative, Incompatible, or Other Behavior.
  • Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)*
  • Exercise (ECE)*
  • Extinction (EXT)

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