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Printmaking and Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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Does autism affect art?
Children on the autism spectrum in particular can display a deep sense of creativity and imagination. Individuals on the spectrum can be extremely creative thinkers and artists as professionals. To get the most out of this potential, having healthy outlets of creativity and creation from a young age is important
Does autism affect drawing?
As far as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) drawings are concerned, children with autism were reported to have an unusual drawing ability, far beyond their general intelligence level [4,5,6], and drawing skills not impaired relative to age-matched typical peers
How to Work with Students with Autism in the Art Room
  1. Be willing to change your lesson. ..
  2. Set aside a special workspace. ..
  3. Use simple, specific directions and limit choices. ..
  4. Understand your students' skill levels. ..
  5. Allow time to adjust to new things. ..
  6. Use peer modeling. ..
  7. Accept stimming.
 When teaching lessons
  1. Present and explain art projects with one step directions. ...
  2. Give kids with special needs more time. ...
  3. Try presenting information in a visual format. ...
  4. Demonstrate what you would like the artist to do. ...
  5. Offer alternative ways of doing things


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