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What causes impulsive behavior in relationships? calmit19 by Kelly Jean Sullivan

 What causes impulsive behavior in relationships?

There are several potential causes for impulsive behavior in relationships. Sometimes, it is simply normal human behavior, especially if impulsivity only happens from time to time. In other cases, a person may have a mental health diagnosis that results in impulsive behavior. 

For example, a person who has ADHD can show impulsive symptoms, such as interrupting others when they are talking or having a hard time waiting their turn for things.

Impulsivity can also occur with personality disorders. Borderline personality disorder, for instance, is associated with intense mood swings and unstable relationships. A person with this personality disorder may have outbursts of anger, appearing quite impulsive. 

Someone whose impulsivity occurs in the form of difficulty controlling their temper may very well have a personality disorder. 

Other causes of impulsivity are as follows:

  • Problems in brain functioning
  • Stroke or other brain injury
  • Genetics
  • Addictions 
  • History of trauma

The cause of impulsive behavior can vary, and there isn’t always an underlying physical or mental health issue. The types of impulsive behavior can also vary in intensity. Some people may show occasional impulsivity, which isn’t necessarily problematic, whereas others may have more extreme


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