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OCD and Alcohol by Kelly Jean Sullivan

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Can alcohol make your OCD worse?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, (OCD), is a common co-occurring disorder that is often present alongside alcoholism. The compulsions one feels seem to be lessened with the effects of alcohol; however, alcohol actually can make compulsions become more intense.
Is there a link between OCD and alcoholism?
OCD has been associated with higher than average rates of drug or alcohol addiction, which can negatively impact the outcome of the disorder. People with OCD who misuse alcohol or drugs may have more severe obsessive-compulsive symptoms.
Why you shouldn't drink with OCD?
Using alcohol to cope with OCD symptoms can lead to numerous health risks, including liver failure or high blood pressure. The more a person drinks alcohol to cope with their OCD, the more likely they are to develop a dependence on the substance, which can lead to addiction


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