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Autism and Hearing Loss by Kelly Jean Sullivan

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Hyperacusis was common, affecting 18.0% of the autism group and 0% in an age-matched nonautism comparison group. In addition, the rate of serous otitis media (23.5%) and related conductive hearing loss (18.3%) appeared to be increased in autistic disorder.
Specifically, studies have suggested that children with autism may experience difficulty with over- or under-sensitivity to sound, difficulty processing oral directions, deficits on auditory tests of temporal processing, and poor speech recognition in the presence of background noise
There is a wide range of how autism affects hearing. In some cases, a child may have no hearing loss. Or, a child may have mild, moderate or even significant hearing loss that can be corrected with hearing aids
 studies hint that hearing problems are at least three times as common in autistic people as in typical people
Among deaf or hard-of-hearing children, autism occurs in an estimated 4 to 9 percent, compared with only 1 percent of children in the general population, some reports suggest


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