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Social Pragmatic Disorder By Kelly Kean Sullivan



 Symptoms include difficulty in the acquisition and use of spoken and written language as well as problems with inappropriate responses in conversation. The disorder limits effective communication, social relationships, academic achievement, or occupational performance

SCD was classified as a unique disorder in the updated DSM-V in order to define the unique experience of children facing social communication problems, but lacking the behavior patterns of an autism diagnosis
Why do people have social pragmatic communication disorder? While the exact cause is unknown, some researchers believe that SPCD may have a genetic component. It may also run in families who have a history of pragmatic language difficulties. Some of the signs of SPCD may overlap with neurodevelopmental disorders
Symptoms of Social Communication Disorder
  • Lacking Eye Contact. ...
  • Greeting Others Inappropriately. ...
  • Failing to Alter Communication Styles. ...
  • Talking Over Others. ...
  • Utilizing Inappropriate Body Language. ...
  • Telling Stories in a Disjointed Manner. ...
  • Failing to Stay On Topic. ...
  • Communicating Awkwardly During Conversations


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