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Global Education and Teachers By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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The Global Teachers Institute (GTI) is a teacher development network of educators, schools and organizations committed to developing high-quality teachers through school-based initial teacher education programmes, international exchanges and collaborative platforms
Global education helps students to develop the skills, attitudes and values which enable people to work together to bring about change and take control of their own lives. Global education works towards achieving a more just and sustainable world in which power and resources are more equitably shared.
- Globalization breaks the boundaries of space and time. Using advanced information and communications technologies, a new system of knowledge, education and learning should apply a wide range of synchronous and asynchronous activities that aid teacher and student in breaking boundaries of space and tim
Teaching students to be global citizens means helping them understand the pressing issues our current and future leaders face: hunger, poverty and conflict around the world; climate change; inequitable access to education, medical care, jobs, human rights protections, and clean water


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