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Autism and Anxiety By Kelly Jean Sullivan



Research suggests autistic people are more prone to experiencing anxiety and estimates that up to half of all autistic people experience high levels of anxiety on a regular basis. If you or someone you know is struggling with high levels of anxiety, there is support and help available.

Is Anxiety An Important Problem In Autism? Although anxiety is not considered a core feature of ASD, 40% of young people with ASD have clinically elevated levels of anxiety or at least one anxiety disorder, including obsessive compulsive disorder
Some of the common triggers for anxiety in autistic children include: changes in routine – for example, not going to a weekly piano lesson because the teacher is sick. changes in environment – for example, a new house, new play equipment at the local park, or furniture in different places at home
10 Tips to Reduce Anxiety for Autistic Children
  • 1) New Forms of Communication. ...
  • 2) Creating a Sensory Diet Plan. ...
  • 3) Deep Touch Pressure. ...
  • 4) Know your Child's Signs of Distress. ...
  • 5) Create a Safe Sensory Space. ...
  • 6) Create a Sensory Toolbox. ...
  • 7) Find Technology That Can Assist in Communication. ...
  • 8) Try Self Soothing Strategies.


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