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Transition to College for Students with ADHD, OCD and Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan


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Although some individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have cognitive impairments that would preclude college attendance, many students with high-functioning Autism (HFA) do well in an academic environment, particularly if they have the opportunity to focus on areas of personal interest
Rates of postsecondary educational participation for youth with an ASD are substantially lower than the general population, with previous studies indicating 40% or fewer ever attend college and very few receive a degre
Because every student with autism requires something different from their eventual college and that college's support systems, our list is organized by alphabetical order.
  • University of Michigan. ...
  • University of Montana. ...
  • University of West Florida. ...
  • Utah State University. ...
  • Western Kentucky University. ...
  • Western Michigan University


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