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Classroom Calm centers for Students with autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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A calm down corner is a designated space in a home or classroom with the sole intent of being a safe space for a child to go to when they feel their emotions are running too high and they need to regain their emotional and physical control.
Calming Strategies for the Classroom
  1. Create a Calming Classroom Atmosphere.
  2. Build in Time for Independent Work.
  3. Practice Yoga with Your Students.
  4. Teach Calming Breathing Exercises.
  5. Read Guided Imagery to Them.
  6. Start Class by Warming Up with Brain Games.
  7. Teach Mindfulness to Assess Mood and Emotions.
  8. Low lighting (avoid harsh overhead lighting) Things to fidget with and distract an anxious mind, such as fidget toys, stress balls, puzzles, coloring pages, play dough, or calming jars. Whiteboard tables, mobile whiteboards, personal lapboards, or other writable surfaces for drawing or doodling


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