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Title Ix and autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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growing numbers of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are being accepted into higher education..students on the spectrum add a lot of unique perspectives to college and university communities, and colleges and universities should take allegations of sexual assault seriously and encourage prompt reporting to Title IX offices.

students with ASD have a difficult time navigating social relationships. Sexual dynamics can be particularly complicated under certain circumstances, making those students unwittingly in violation of current definitions of misconduct at school. This problem was discussed on in a Feb. 8 article by Lee Burdette Williams, director of higher education training and development for the College Autism Network

it is important for higher education institutions to consider ASD as a defense applicable to Title IX complaints when appropriate

students with ASD who are issued a Title IX complaint should seek the assistance of an advisor who is knowledgeable about ASD and other mental health disorders and who has the ability to communicate those differences to the Title IX investigator. Without an advisor who understands ASD and how it impacts one’s day-to-day existence, autistic students facing Title IX complaints can find themselves misunderstood by investigators and seriously disadvantaged.


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