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Best Picture Books for autism By kelly jean sullivan

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Children with ASD may read very early and show intense interest in certain subjects and want to read everything they can on that topic. Whether your child has mild or severe ASD, making reading a fun activity can help your child's learning and social skills.

Best Picture Books about Autism

  1. Looking after Louis by Lesley Ely, illustrated by Polly Dunbar. .
  2. Andy and His Yellow Frisbee by Mary Thompson. .
  3. Ian's Walk: A Story about Autism by Laurie Lears, illustrated by Karen Ritz.
  4. Dear Zoo: A Lift-the-Flap Book. by Rod Campbell. .
  5. Go, Dog. Go! .
  6. Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks and Things That Go. by Richard Scarry. .
  7. Trucks: Whizz! Zoom! .
  8. The Complete Book of Farmyard Tales. .
  9. Chugga-Chugga Choo-Choo


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