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Unequal Childhoods :Reflection By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life is a 2003 non-fiction book by American sociologist Annette Lareau based upon a study of 88 African American, and white families (of which only 12 were discussed) to understand the impact of how social class makes a difference in family life
Annette Patricia Lareau (born 1952) is a sociologist working at the University of Pennsylvania. She has completed extensive field work studying the daily lives of African-Americans and European-Americans. She is also credited with the creation of the term concerted cultivation.
Lareau writes that the working class and the middle class have very different methods of raising their children. Poor and working-class parents practice what Lareau calls accomplishment of natural growth parenting
Nevertheless, evidence increasingly shows that parental behavior plays a role in the development of children with ASD as it does with TD children. Some of the earliest studies examining parent-driven effects and parenting behavior addressed the role of attachment in infants with ASD.


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