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Toe Walking and autism By Kelly Jean sullivan

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What is toe walking?

Just as the name suggests, toe walking is the inability of a child to make heel-to-ground contact in the initial stages of the gait cycle.

Causes of toe walking in children with autism spectrum disorder

Toe walking has a positive association with language disorders in children; however, research studies have failed to explain the neurophysiological cause of this association 

It is uncertain what the underlying mechanism is behind the increased rate in observed toe walking present in autism—however, it is speculated to be linked to differences in tactile/sensory responses

Toe walking has been linked to autism spectrum disorders, which affect a child's ability to communicate and interact with others
 8.4% of patients with ASD also had a diagnosis of toe-walking .  typically developing children  0.47% of patients had a diagnosis of persistent toe-walking
 toe walking is not only a sign of a developmental delay in children; it is also a sign of a poor vestibular system, which is tied to a child's balance and coordination. You may be asking yourself why balance and coordination is important and why it has anything to do with learning.
A study conducted by Persicke, et al., suggests an alternative medium for the treatment of toe walking called Teaching with Acoustical Guidance (TAGteach). This methodology uses positive reinforcement to reinforce desired behaviors through the use of auditory stimulus—such as a “click” sound—to function as a conditioned reinforcer
Persicke, A., Jackson, M., Adams, A.N. (2014). Brief Report: An Evaluation of TAGteach Components to Decrease Toe-Walking in a 4-Year-Old Child with Autism.Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 965-968,


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