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Summer Activities for Student with autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan


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Top 10 Summer Activities for Children on the Autism Spectrum
  • Host a character day. ..
  • Create water games. ..
  • Go to a movie.In the summer many cities offer movie tickets at a discounted rate. ..
  • Learn yoga. ..
  • Make homemade ice cream. .
  • Set up an arts and craft station. .
  • Go on a scavenger hunt.
  • Summer Activities for Kids with Autism or Sensory Processing Disorders
    • Try seasonal foods through cooking activities. .
    • Sandboxes make for a wonderful sensory play. .
    • Consider sensory needs with swimwear and sunscreens. .
    • Schedule a time to safely swim together in a pool.
    Hobbies such as collecting stamps, playing cards or board games, drawing and photography can also provide opportunities for enjoyment, as well as increased self-confidence and motivation individuals on the spectrum


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