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ADHD and Proper Sleep By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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What's the relationship between ADHD and sleep?
Researchers are looking into the links between ADHD and sleep. For now, the causes of sleep issues in kids with ADHD aren't fully understood. But the relationship between ADHD and poor sleep is clear. Many kids and adolescents with ADHD have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up in the morning.
Is there a connection between ADHD and sleep?
What is the connection between ADHD and sleep problems? ADHD and sleep problems are intimately intertwined in 80% of children and adults with ADHD during lifetime. The sleep loss results in increased severity of ADHD symptoms, (winter) depression, obesity, and chronic diseases in the long term.
What makes sleep so difficult for people with ADHD?

Why Children with ADHD Hate Bedtime: Solutions to ADHD Sleep Problems

  • Track the Impact of ADHD Medication. Parents working through ADHD-impacted sleep issues should begin by consulting their child’s physician.
  • Evaluate ADHD Sleep Hygiene. ...
  • Switch Off All Devices. ...
  • ADHD and Sleep: Next Steps. ...
  • Sources.


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