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Social Skills :Value of Good Friends and autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan



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For children with autism, establishing friendship skills is a therapeutic lesson as much as a life lesson. A simple friendship can boost self-esteem and confidence, improve their ability to forge connections with others, reduce social anxieties, and help them feel more accepted by other
How can friends help with autism?
Support your friend if they ask for help. Be sensitive to what they want and need, not just how you think they should improve or behave. Try not to talk over or about them when others are around. Help them work on social skills by trying to engage them in conversations with yourself and others
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Why is it important for students to have friends?
Friendships help children develop important life skills like getting along with other people and sorting out conflicts and problems. Children with these skills are less likely to have social and emotional difficulties later in life. Play is a big part of how children connect with others and make friends at schoo
Why is friendship important for a child's development?
Friendships benefit children by creating a sense of belonging and security and reducing stress. Child psychologists find early childhood friendships contribute to children's quality of life and ability to adjust to changes within their environments as well


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