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Mindfulness Journaling and Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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What is mindfulness journaling?
A mindfulness journal is a digital or physical journal with specific writing prompts that help guide you to write. The mindfulness journal should be physical in nature. If the journal is digital, you may want to print it out so that you can write on paper.
Is journaling part of mindfulness?
Journaling is a very powerful tool that is often used as part of mindfulness interventions. Journaling is powerful because it is cheap, easy to implement, can be performed anywhere and by anyone
Should I meditate or journal first?
This is where the practicality of journaling came into good use. Journaling before and after a meditation session can give you a record of where you've come from, the progress you've mHow does autism affect writing?
Children with ASD exhibit a wide variety of characteristics, some of which may inhibit their ability to write effectively. First, people with ASD often have difficulty with fine motor skills and visual-motor speed, which can impact handwriting or word processing (Broun, 2009)ade, and why you should stay motivated and continue with the practice
How do autistic kids write?
 The handwriting performances of the two groups showed statistically significant differences. The children with high-functioning autism produced taller and broader letters; waiting times on paper and in the air were longer; and the degree of slant of the pen was smaller
How do you motivate an autistic child to write?
Place a large piece of paper, erasable writing board or chalkboard on an upright surface such as an easel or wall. Put it right at your son's eye level. Then, give him some colorful markers or crayons and show him how fun it is to draw on the surface in front of him.
  • A way to be creative. Many kids are great, imaginative writers and thinkers but struggle to shine in classes where facts and figures are emphasized. A journal can serve as a creative outlet, and your child may prefer working on fiction rather than autobiography — which is ok, too!


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