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Mandalas for Teacher Self Efficacy and Teaching Students with Autism by Kelly Jean Sullivan

Are mandalas art therapy?
Mandalas are also used in art therapy. The therapist uses a mandala created by the client as a representation of his or her current feelings and emotions, this technique is found to be self-calming and self-centring by some.

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What are three types of mandalas?
Types. While there are several types of mandalas, we will focus on the three most common: the teaching, healing, and sand mandalas. While the first two types are designated by their purpose, sand mandalas are unique in that their meaning lies in both their creation and destruction.
Teacher self-efficacy describes a teacher's confidence in his or her capabilities to successfully carry out goal-oriented, occupation-related activities and to positively influence students' learning behavior

What is self-efficacy as a teacher?
Teachers' self-efficacy, namely teachers' beliefs in their ability to effectively handle the tasks, obligations, and challenges related to their professional activity, plays a key role in influencing important academic outcomes (e.g., students' achievement and motivation) and well-being in the working environment
Are mandalas good for mental health?
Since the circle can represent a safe and contained space, mandalas have also been found to help both children and adults suffering from anxiety disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder. Creating artwork inside the circle can help silence a person's inner critic and induce a calm, meditative state



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