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Link Between Screen time and Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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Is screen time good for kids with autism?
Although screen time can hinder development, removing screen time altogether or decreasing it drastically may lead to problem behavior for children with autism.
How does screen time affect children with autism?
Some studies suggest that increased screen time in young children is associated to negative health outcomes such as decreased cognitive ability, impaired language development, mood, and autistic-like behavior including hyperactivity, short attention span, and irritability
 data from a landmark National Institutes of Health (NIH) study that began in 2018 indicates that children who spent more than two hours a day on screen-time activities scored lower on language and thinking tests, and some children with more than seven hours a day of screen time experienced thinning of the brain's
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What are the negative effects of too much screen time?
Too much screen time can lead to obesity, sleep problems, chronic neck and back problems, depression, anxiety and lower test scores in children. Children should limit screen time to 1 to 2 hours per day. Adults should also try to limit screen time outside of work hours


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