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Life Skills and Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan


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Governor Ron DeSantis announced $89 million in funding for workforce education initiatives, including a first-of-its-kind Career and Technical Education (CTE) charter schools initiative.

 Governor DeSantis awarded funding to create a charter school that will allow high school students to earn credentials and college credit while in high school.

 Funding awarded  also includes high school CTE dual enrollment programs, apprenticeships, and cybersecurity and IT training.

$9 million for development of critical workforce need pathways, such as nursing, critical health care programs, law enforcement, supply chain professions, teaching, and emergency management

For students with Autism learnign life skills is essential .

Practical Living Skills

These skills encompass finding information (internet, books, newspapers etc.), money skills (budgeting, bank accounts, credit cards, making change), travel (reading a map, using transportation, planning a trip), clothing (care, laundering, organizing), home care (garbage day, housecleaning

Categories of life skills include:
  • Health and safety.
  • Career path and employment.
  • Self-determination/advocacy.
  • Peer relationships, socialization and social communication.
  • Community participation and personal finance.
  • Transportation.
  • Leisure/recreation.
  • Home living skills.
What are 5 strategies used to work with a child with autism?
5 strategies for supporting students with autism
  • Communication. Create a communication environment that is “user friendly” for students. ...
  • Environment. Set up a visual classroom. ...
  • Giving information. Think of using visual tools to give information to students with autism. ...
  • Managing time. ...
  • Support positive behaviors


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